Что будет если я не успею заплатить за Google Drive?

Я купил 25 Гб места в гугл диске, но в следующем месяце в день списания денег на карте будет не достаточно. Что будет с моими данными? Сколько у меня будет времени чтобы вернуть доступ к своим файлам?  

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  • If the auto-renewal fails, a seven-day grace period will be added to your subscription so that you’re able to update your payment information. During this grace period, you won’t lose access to anything in your Google account or to your current storage plan. The storage plans of Gmail users will be extended for 30 days after auto-renewal fails. Gmail users still have seven days to update their payment information for their current plan, but 30 days to free up space in their account or purchase a new plan.

    When you cancel your storage plan or when your storage plan expires, your storage limits will be set back to the free levels for each product at the end of your billing cycle. Everything in Google Drive, G+ Photos and Gmail will still be accessible, but you won’t be able to create or add anything new over the free storage limit.
    •Google Drive and Google+ Photos (5 GB free storage): If you’ve reached or exceeded the free storage limit, you won’t be able to sync or upload any new files, and syncing between your Google Drive folder and My Drive stops completely. You’ll still be able to create Google Docs, since they don’t take up any storage space. For G+ Photos, you will only be able to upload new photos and videos under certain size limits.
    •Gmail (10 GB free storage): If you cancel your Google Drive storage plan, you’ll be downgraded to 10 GB free storage in Gmail. If you’re over that limit, incoming messages to your account will be returned to the sender.